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Mediheal Pore Tox Carbonated Bubble Mask Sheet 25ml *10 Pieces

Harga aslinya adalah: $49.90.Harga saat ini adalah: $42.00.

46 people are viewing this product right now

Rincian Produk

Kapasitas (berat) 18ml x 10 sheets
Spesifikasi Kunci Produk untuk semua jenis kulit
Tanggal kedaluwarsa atau periode penggunaan setelah dibuka 3 tahun sejak tanggal pembuatan. Bergantung pada kondisi pemasok, sulit untuk memeriksa tanggal pembuatan dan tanggal kedaluwarsa yang tepat karena produk dengan tanggal pembuatan yang berbeda tersedia di stok. Produk yang tanggal pembuatannya sulit dipastikan akan dikirim berdasarkan tanggal kedaluwarsa, jadi harap lihat tanggal kedaluwarsa saat membeli.
Cara Penggunaan 1. After washing your face, align the nose and mouth parts on a dry face to adhere evenly 2. Remove the sheet when the carbonation bubble rises abundantly for 10 minutes 3. Gently massage with the remaining bubbles on the skin, then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water
Produsen kosmetik dan distributor kosmetik yang bertanggung jawab Ncos Co., Ltd. / LNP Cosmetics Co., Ltd.
negara pembuat Korea
Semua bahan yang wajib dicantumkan dan diberi label sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Kosmetika Purified water, glycerin, cocamidopropyl betaine, sodium cocoyl apple amino acid, dipropylene glycol, disiloxane, sodium lauroyl glutamate, methyl perfluorobutyl ether, methyl perfluoroisobutyl ethyl, hydroxyethyl cellulose , phenoxyethanol, clofenesin, caprylyl glycol, 1,2-pexanediol, propanediol, fragrance, disodum EDTA, octagonal fennel extract, papaya fruit extract, mung bean extract, apple extract, European chestnut Extract, persimmon leaf extract, rice bran extract, safflower extract, sodium hyaluronate, propolis extract, witch hazel bark/leaf/twig extract, carbonated water (0.018mg), calactomyces ferment filtrate, butylene glycol, milk protein extract
Sudahkah atau belum melalui kajian Kementerian Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan (kosmetik fungsional) Tidak ada
Tindakan pencegahan saat menggunakan 1. If you have any of the following abnormalities while using cosmetics, stop using the product. Continuing to use it will worsen your symptoms, so please consult a dermatologist. 1) In case of abnormalities such as red spots, swelling, itchiness, irritation, etc. during use 2) In case of abnormalities such as above due to direct sunlight 2. Use on wounds or areas with abnormalities such as eczema and dermatitis Please refrain from 3. Due to the nature of the product, the pouch may inflate, but there is no problem with the quality. Be careful as the contents may leak when a strong pressure is applied to the inflated pouch. 4. Precautions for storage and handling 1) Be sure to close the cap after use. 2) Keep out of reach of infants and children. 3) Do not store in places with high or low temperatures or exposed to sunlight.
Standar Penjaminan Mutu In accordance with related laws and consumer dispute resolution regulations

Berat 500 gram

penyembuhan medis


Informasi Tambahan

Berat 500 gram

penyembuhan medis


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