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قناع الشفاه الليلي بالتوت من كارينيل، 5 جرام × 3


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قناع الشفاه الليلي بالتوت من كارينل ضروري لأي شخص يبحث عن الحفاظ على شفاهه ناعمة وسلسة. بفضل مزيجه الفريد من المكونات الطبيعية، يوفر قناع الشفاه هذا ترطيبًا عميقًا وتغذية لشفتيك طوال الليل. القناع غني بمستخلصات التوت التي تحتوي على نسبة عالية من مضادات الأكسدة، والتي تساعد على حماية شفتيك من الأضرار التي تسببها الجذور الحرة. تركيبة خفيفة الوزن سهلة التطبيق ويتم امتصاصها بسرعة، مما يترك شفتيك ناعمة كالحرير في الصباح. تحتوي كل عبوة على ثلاث عبوات بحجم 5 جرام من قناع الشفاه، مما يجعلها مثالية للسفر أو المشاركة مع الأصدقاء والعائلة. قولي وداعًا للشفاه الجافة والمتشققة وأهلاً بشفتين مرطبتين وصحيتين مع قناع الشفاه الليلي بالتوت من كارينل.

CARENEL Berry Lip Night Mask is a luxurious and nourishing product designed to give you soft, smooth and supple lips. This lip mask is a must-have for those who suffer from dry and chapped lips, especially during the winter months.

This product comes in a pack of 3, with each container weighing 5g. The main ingredient in this lip mask is the berry complex, consisting of raspberry, strawberry, and blueberry extracts. These powerful antioxidants work to protect your lips from environmental stressors, while also providing deep hydration.

To use the CARENEL Berry Lip Night Mask, simply apply a generous amount of the product to your lips before going to bed. The mask will work its magic overnight, leaving your lips feeling silky smooth and revitalized in the morning. You can also use this lip mask as a daytime lip balm, providing long-lasting hydration and protection from the sun and wind.

The rich and creamy texture of this lip mask glides on smoothly, instantly giving your lips a boost of moisture. The lightweight formula is non-greasy and absorbs quickly, leaving no residue behind. This makes it perfect for use as a daily lip balm, providing all-day moisture and protection.

In addition to the berry complex, this lip mask also contains hyaluronic acid and vitamin E. Hyaluronic acid is a powerful humectant that can hold up to 1000 times its weight in water, providing intense hydration to your lips. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that helps to protect your lips from damage caused by free radicals.

Overall, the CARENEL Berry Lip Night Mask is an excellent product that delivers on its promises. With regular use, you can expect to see a significant improvement in the texture and appearance of your lips. So why wait? Add this lip mask to your beauty routine today and experience the benefits for yourself!

الوزن 78 جرام



5 جرام × 3

رقم GTIN



CARENEL Berry Lip Night Mask is a luxurious and nourishing product designed to give you soft, smooth and supple lips. This lip mask is a must-have for those who suffer from dry and chapped lips, especially during the winter months.

This product comes in a pack of 3, with each container weighing 5g. The main ingredient in this lip mask is the berry complex, consisting of raspberry, strawberry, and blueberry extracts. These powerful antioxidants work to protect your lips from environmental stressors, while also providing deep hydration.

To use the CARENEL Berry Lip Night Mask, simply apply a generous amount of the product to your lips before going to bed. The mask will work its magic overnight, leaving your lips feeling silky smooth and revitalized in the morning. You can also use this lip mask as a daytime lip balm, providing long-lasting hydration and protection from the sun and wind.

The rich and creamy texture of this lip mask glides on smoothly, instantly giving your lips a boost of moisture. The lightweight formula is non-greasy and absorbs quickly, leaving no residue behind. This makes it perfect for use as a daily lip balm, providing all-day moisture and protection.

In addition to the berry complex, this lip mask also contains hyaluronic acid and vitamin E. Hyaluronic acid is a powerful humectant that can hold up to 1000 times its weight in water, providing intense hydration to your lips. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that helps to protect your lips from damage caused by free radicals.

Overall, the CARENEL Berry Lip Night Mask is an excellent product that delivers on its promises. With regular use, you can expect to see a significant improvement in the texture and appearance of your lips. So why wait? Add this lip mask to your beauty routine today and experience the benefits for yourself!

معلومات إضافية

الوزن 78 جرام



5 جرام × 3

رقم GTIN



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